What is Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?


Non-Fungible Token aka the NFTs is digital assets or a type of digital certificate for owning goods or an asset that represents a great variety of intangible and tangible items such as paintings, virtual real estate, postcards, videos, and so on. NFTs cannot be replicated or equated with a similar asset, because every nonfungible token

Mobile Application Trends in 2023 and How Much Does it Cost ?

Mobile App Development Trends

Top 4 New Trends In Mobile App Development trends in 2023 The Mobile App Development Industry is very advanced and will be even more advanced than in the previous few years. Not only can you order food or make appointments from apps, but you can also call an emergency number, lock your home or turn

How would you describe your coding skills in an interview?


How To Prepare for Programming and Coding Interviews? Topics and Skills There is no doubt cracking the Coding interviews of top tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon is very hard, but you can still crack it by carefully planning and preparing the essential skills which matter most like Data structures and Algorithms, System Design,

Process To Hire Remote Developers For Web & Mobile Development Projects

Hire Remote Developers

Steps To Hire Remote Developers For Your Web & Mobile App Development  Safety is on priority, In today’s COVID-19 pandemic scenario everyone is facing health and humanitarian crises. Most companies have adapted to the situation to safeguard their health and find new ways to make sure business & financial continuity. We have to change or

Python VS Node.js: How to Choose the best Technology to Develop Your Web Application?

Python and Node.js are the most popular technologies for back-end development. These two are the most compared backend technologies on the internet! As both of them are very popular to use for Web Application Development, we are going to go into a bit of detail about Python vs Node js.  What is Python? Python is