Flutter vs React Native - Which is Best or Your Project?

Development Language

Flutter uses Dart. React Native uses JavaScript.


Flutter offers near-native performance due to its compiled nature. React Native relies on a bridge between JavaScript and native code, which can impact performance.

UI Components 

Flutter has a rich set of customizable widgets. React Native leverages native components with third-party libraries for more customization.

Hot Reload

– Both Flutter and React Native support hot reload for quick testing and debugging.

Community Support 

React Native has a larger community and more third-party libraries. Flutter's community is growing rapidly with extensive official documentation.

Learning Curve 

Flutter can be easier for those new to programming. React Native may be easier for those already familiar with JavaScript.

Platform Support 

Flutter supports Android, iOS, web & desktop from a single codebase. React Native primarily supports Android & iOS, with some web & desktop support through additional frameworks.


React Native benefits from the wider JavaScript ecosystem. Flutter's ecosystem is more self-contained but rapidly expanding.

Integration with Native Code

React Native provides seamless integration with native code and APIs. Flutter allows integration with native code but requires additional setup.

Development Speed 

Flutter's rich widget library can speed up development. React Native's use of JavaScript can make development faster for those already proficient in the language.

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