What is Node.js Framework ?

NodeJS is a server-side runtime environment this is certainly built upon programming this is certainly event-driven that allows non-blocking I/O capabilities. As a result of this excellent I/O model, building I/O-heavy and internet is certainly data-heavy and becomes very fast and effortless using NodeJS.

How Is It Different From Other JavaScript Frameworks?

Though there’s no distinction between NodeJS as well as other frameworks which can be JavaScript terms of the program coding language made use of, why is NodeJS distinctive from all of those other JavaScript frameworks is its various sets of APIs.

Node JS Use Cases: When Is It Worth Using?

Node JS Use Cases

1 – When You’re Building Streaming Web Apps. 2 – When You’re Building Real-time Collaboration Tools.  3 – When You’re Building Complex, Single-Page Programs. 4 – When You’re Building Real-Time Chat Programs. 5 – Whenever You’re Building Microservices Architecture.

Lemosys Infotech

Do you want to developed your website in  Node.js
